Informative Timeline

Experience the history of Carrie Chapman Catt's life from start to finish.

January 9th, 1859
Carrie Lane was born to Maria Louisa Clinton & Lucius Lane in Ripon, Wisconsin.
Catt graduated from Iowa Agricultural College and became a teacher in Sigourney, Iowa. From there she went to Mason City, Iowa where she was soon made principal of the high school and later, superintendent.
Carrie was made finance chairman of the National American Woman Suffrage Association. Her first Conference was held in Des Moines, Iowa.
Carrie worked on the Kansas Campaign and spoke in all but two of the 105 counties. She also took part in the constitutional convention in New York.
Carrie toured four states of the Deep South speaking with Susan B. Anthony. Catt was then named chairman of the organization committee of the National American Woman Suffrage Association.
Carrie Chapman Catt was elected President of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, succeeding Susan B. Anthony. She was named chairman of the National Bazaar to raise money for Suffrage campaigns.
Catt resigned from the presidency of the National American Woman Suffrage Association. She was elected president of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance. During her years of leadership, the number of nations with suffrage societies increased from 5 to 32.
Catt was presented with a silver and ebony gavel to use at the Stockholm Congress by the Woman Suffrage Party. After the Stockholm Congress, she and Dr. Aletta Jacobs of Holland took a trip around the world.

They traveled to Sweden, Norway, Africa, Syria, Palestine, India, the East Indies, and the Phillippines. She met kings, potentates, princes, and helped organize woman suffrage groups on this world tour.
Catt lectured at Bryn Nan before retiring as president at the International Woman Suffrage Alliance. She delivered the Commencement Address at ISC.
Carrie Chapman Catt moved to New Rochelle, New York with Alda Wilson, a native of Iowa and an alumnus of ISC.
Catt collected 10,000 signatures of women to protest the mistreatment of Jews in Germany. She saw Hitler dissolve the German branches of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance.
Carrie Chapman Catt had the honor to speak at the World's Fair in New York.
On March 9th, Carrie Lane Chapman Catt passed away. She was buried in Woodlawn Cemetery in Bronx, New York.
Today, Carrie Chapman Catt is remembered as a prominent figure in the fight for women's suffrage, who's story continues to empower women fighting for their freedom across globe.